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Chapter 13 Outline Assignment

Chapter 13 Outline Assignment

Q Assignment: Outline the Chapter with the major headings and subheadings. Under each heading and including each item, INSTEAD of regurgitating the chapter and what it said in those headings, put 2 points that YOU relate to, that YOU found interesting, learned more about, and explain. You do not have to put EVERY LITTLE THING, but most things in the chapter need to be covered, especially the major headings and subheadings. See my example below, but yours will be different obviously, this is only an example of what I want you to do. I am discussing from a more experienced point of view, whereas you might be discussing from a “what I think I might do” or “What I am scared I might do” position. Don’t make this harder than it is. All you have to do is outline the major points in the chapter and then relate each point to YOU. Upload to the assignment tab. EXAMPLE: Chapter 13 Outline Lynn Winstead I. Delivering the Presentation with Professional Excellence a. The Adrenaline Rush-This is something I have always experienced when speaking to big “major” groups that are important. I used to think it was because I was nervous or new to speaking but after talking to many people who speak professionally, and speak often, I have learned that this is a normal part of the process and to use and harness the energy into the speech. I have also learned that there is a “come down” after that adrenaline rush. When I speak to a group of 300+ people (like I am doing in 10 days!) and I am up on a stage, and all miked up, I am up and full of energy. But the hour after I speak I am practically comatose!! Of the things listed that can occur, I find that my vocal quality can get too fast when I am nervous and if I am not paying attention I use filler words (uhm!) which is so annoying. If I just stay on top of it, I can avoid it and the silence in between thoughts and points is much better than “uhms”. I do find that making eye contact is really helpful. There are always those in the crowd that are nodding and smiling; find them! I have also found that I have to wear something that looks good AND is comfortable or I will feel “weird” and not do my best job while speaking. Also, the worst thing that I can do is tie myself to a podium. If I can’t move around, somehow I don’t speak very dynamically and it is almost like my brain doesn’t work as well. I always insist on being miked so I can walk around. It really seems to help control the adrenaline. b. Sense of Play-This is so true. You have to find some humor and bring it in with you; for the audience and yourself. I have found if I mingle with the crowd, making a few “friends” prior to the speech, things are much better. I even might bring in something we discussed prior to the speech into the speech itself. For example, “When I was talking to Chief Brown from DPD, before out meeting this morning, we were discussing……..” and it can make it relevant, relatable, and calms you down. Humor is essential. c. Presenting From An Outline- Definitely agree with this. In my early days I would do a very wordy power point that needed all kinds of bells and whistles because I was SCARED to talk and I didn’t trust myself so I put all kinds of wordy stuff on a PowerPoint “just in case”. Now I make an outline and it comes across as more casual and conversational. II. PowerPoint and Other Supporting Aids III. ETC. SO COMPLETE YOUR OUTLINE FOR THE REST OF THE CHAPTER USING THE ABOVE EXAMPLE, AS EACH POINT RELATES TO YOU.

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. Delivering a Presentation With Professional Excellence a. The Adrenaline Rush – This aspect is very interesting because I get adrenaline rush when I play soccer. I try to utilize and apply my full energy in ensuring that my adrenaline rush at the beginning of my game is distributed and spread throughout my soccer game. However, sometimes, I fail and sometimes become successful in accomplishing my objectives with the help of the application of my adrenaline rush.